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Miners' Stories

Documentary, 43 min., 2016

Book Arsenal Kyiv 2017; Caux Forum, Switzerland 2017


Victor and Oleksandr live in the mining towns of two geographically remote regions of Ukraine. While their lives and the lives of their relatives revolve around mines, there is another side. Who they really are? What makes them go underground every day?

Through memories and glimpses into the daily life of mining towns we take a closer look at our main characters, understand how similar and different they are, how the crisis of the mining industry and events in eastern Ukraine are impacting their lives.


Director and DOP: Piotr Armianovski

Line producer & 2nd DOP : Maria Voronchuk

Producer: Oleksa Stasevych

Composer: Pavlo Pavlosiuk

Created by the Foundations for Freedom, INGO together with the NGO "Our Future" within the "Ukrainian in Action: Healing the Past programme" in partnership with the Independent Trade Union of Ukrainian Miners (NPGU) with the financial support from the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine and Irene Prestwich Trust (UK)

Сен 2016
Chervonohrad - Dymytriv